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Sourdough Saturday - May 1, 2020



Large Mixing Bowl

Small Mixing Bowl (or cup)



1,000g white flour (I typically use Type 00 flour for pizza dough, but regular AP flour does a great job as well)

720g warm water

20g sea salt

0.8g instant dried yeast

1 small pinch of sugar

Olive oil



  1. In the small bowl, mix .8g instant dried yeast with a small pinch of sugar. Add 3 tablespoons of warm water and mix. Let bloom.

  2. In the large bowl, mix 1000g of flour with 720g of warm water (roughly 90 degrees F). Mix by hand until just combined (alternatively mix for 2-3 minutes on a medium speed in a stand mixer). Cover and set aside for 30 minutes. 

  3. Sprinkle 20g of sea salt over the top of the dough. Pour the yeast mixture over the dough. Mix by hand until combined (or one minute in a stand mixer). 

  4. Reach under the dough and grab about a quarter of the dough. Stretch this piece up and over the top of the dough. Repeat about 4 times, until you have stretched all of the dough around the bowl. Cover and set aside for 30 minutes.

  5. Repeat step 4 three times every 30 minutes.

  6. After completing all of the stretches, cover the dough and let it rise at room temperature until the dough has at least doubled in volume. 

  7. Lightly oil a countertop. Dump the dough out onto the oiled surface. Divide the dough into five equal pieces (approximately 320-340 grams each). 

  8. Shape each ball of dough into a ball by gently rolling the ball of dough between the palm of your hand and the countertop. 

  9. Lightly oil the tops of the balls of dough. At this point, I like to place each ball into an individual storage box for easy access. You can also place the balls of dough onto an oil baking sheet. Either way, place your dough into your desired container and cover.

  10. Refrigerate the dough for at least six hours. I tend to leave my dough in the fridge overnight. 

  11. In the morning of the day I plan to make the pizzas, I take the dough out of its box and re-shape it into a tight ball. I then place the dough back into the box and then return it to the fridge. 

  12. Remove the dough from the fridge about 2-3 hours before baking.

  13. Enjoy!



Enjoy your pizza, and be sure to check us out on Instagram and Facebook @SourdoughSaturday. 


We'd love to see what you create! Tag @SourdoughSaturday in your posts so we can check it out! 

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